Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

Last weekend, we got to go to Fargo to meet Papa & Mama. It was lots of fun. They brought these cool hard hats that me and Papa wore. I still wear it all the time at my house

Then Paige came to visit us, along with Nikki, Chas, Chad and Tiff. We had a good visit & played with the puppies (through their kennel doors, though).

We all had a good lesson in sharing - with toys and puff corn. I think we ate almost the whole bag that night!

Later after Taryn fell asleep, me and mommy got to go swimming. It was lots of fun. I especially liked looking at myself in the mirror.

After we were done swimming, I took a bath & Lucy wouldn't leave me alone. At first we thought it was because she loved me so much, but then we discovered it was just because she was thirsty.Here are some pictures of Taryn - she is getting so big. She likes to get into everything and then I have to take it away from her. Sometimes mommy makes me give it back, but sometimes I don't have to, because it is not for babies (only big boys like me). Then I help find her something new to play with.

Mommy said she got 2 new teeth this weekend! She loves to eat anything & everything, as long as it is not baby food. She will not eat that anymore. It won't be long before she is walking too. She stands by herself for a long time but is scared to take that first step.

It is our Mama Nodland's birthday today! Happy Birthday, wish we were there to give you lots of hugs and kisses, but instead I got to have chips for a snack (in honor of you!)

We love you!