Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yep, we are still around

One would think that since it has been over a month since I've last blogged, that maybe we won the lottery & disappeared, but nope - we have just been very boring.

Here are some pictures of us from the last month.

Here is me with my cousin Paige. Mommy's cousin Chas taught us how to line dance and my Aunt H & Uncle Sam's reception. I had so much fun that night, I don't think I ever stepped off the dance floor!

Me and mommy went to the circus! Taryn had pink eye, so she stayed home with daddy. I was so excited to go to the circus, I kept asking as we drove there . . . "is this this the circus? Is this the circus?" Well when we finally go there, mommy bought me some popcorn! That was my favorite part. When people ask me about the circus, all I tell this is that you have to get popcorn.

Here is Taryn - she is getting so big. She says "uh uh", "buh bye" "sucka", along with "dada" & "mama". Just so you don't think we are being taught naughty words - that is Taryn's version of sucker - we get a sucker at Barb's when we leave everyday - it is Taryn's favorite part of the day. She bites & crunches that sucker right away & it is completely gone by the time we get home.

Here I am, this is what I love to do - just hang out. I can't wait for summer, though. I have so many plans, between the zoo, the parks, my trike & our swing set - I am gonna be BUSY!

Grandma bought Taryn these pretty ballet jammies. Isn't she cute?