Saturday, December 20, 2008

All I want for Christmas is . . . . to buy less diapers

This is Tyson's mommy. I thought I would share with you our Saturday. Tyson has been taking his diapers off at night & the other night he came out of our bedroom with his pants around his ankles and lifted up his shirt to show me his bare bottom. He said to me "Uh, Mommy . . . I think something is missin' " When I asked him where is diaper was he said "I don't know, I can't find it". After thinking about this a couple of days, I though maybe this was his way of letting us know he is ready for the potty.

So I got all of his pants washed up and had a pile of little boy underwear ready for today. Today was going to be the day that we were going to concur the potty.

Below is a play-by-play of today's events - I know this is very similar to a post Nikki put up a while back, unfortunately - we did not have the same results.

8:00 to 8:30 - Tyson woke up & sat on the potty (the little potty that was brought out to the living room for today's events) - No deposits, so we put on dinosaur underwear and some sweatpants. We discuss how we don't go potty on the dinosaurs - he agreed

9:00 - Tyson helped himself to a banana (still not sure where the peel ended up, still looking for it) - when I came into the kitchen, he was stuffing that banana in as fast as he could. I saw a puddle on the floor. I said "Tyson did you go potty in your pants?" His response . . . "Yes, I made a mess & you better clean it up" - underwear and pants #2

10:00 to 10:20 - back on the potty again - nothing.

10:45 - Tyson was walking through the living room, stopped, looked at me with a uncomfortable look and said " There is water in my pants" - underwear & pants #3

After lunch, we tried the potty again, with no results. It was now time for naps, so I put a diaper on him.

3:00 - Tyson gets up from his nap with a poopy diaper. If I have anything good to say about today, it is that he did not poop his underwear!

3:00 to 3:15 - Tyson was back on the potty - nothing - but we did discuss that when he has to go potty that he goes on the potty. He replied back to me, after I asked where he goes potty "Over there" and pointed to the potty. He then repeated after me, over and over again "No potty in my pants, no potty in my pants" I was thinking this as a good start to the rest of the day.

3:30 - Tyson was watching tv, turned around and said to me "My pants" Guess what . . . . yep - another accident - underwear & pants #4

3:30 to 3:45 - potty time . . . . . . nothing

4:15 - I happened to look over and see a dark streak going down Tyson's leg. When I said his name (a little louder than usual), he quickly turned around and slid/slipped on his newly formed puddle. He caught himself and smiled at me & said " I'm OK mommy" - underwear & pants #5

5:30 - tried another potty break, after supper . . . . . nothing

6:30 - Yep, one more accident. This time, I gave him the towel and told him he had to wipe it up. He took the towel, rubbed it across the floor a couple of times, handed it back to me and said "Yeah mommy, I cleaned it all up"

7:00 - Time for bath and jammies & a diaper. I am giving up for the night - tomorrow is another day, right?

Monday, December 15, 2008

One of the perks of being little!

This morning daddy had to get up early to move snow. We got lots of snow and it was really windy, so there were tall drifts blocking mommy's van in the garage.

When I got up, I immediately jumped up on the couch to see what all the noise was about. I saw my daddy in his "tractor". Mommy brought me some pancakes for breakfast and sat there and watched daddy outside.
I'm sure glad I am not big enough to help yet, it looked cold out there.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Taryn is 1!

Can you believe it, my little sister is 1 today.

Here she is bright and happy this morning (well, maybe a little sleepy).

After supper tonight, she got her cake. I helped sing Happy Birthday to her, I'm a pretty good singer if I do say so myself.
At first, she was just interested in the candle. But then we showed her how yummy cake and the frosting was - she dove right in.
She had lots of fun and was being silly for us.

After cake and supper, we drove around and looked at the Christmas lights. I thought they were cool and repeated everything mommy and daddy had to say about the houses.

But Taryn was not as impressed. I guess turning 1 takes a lot out of little girls.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

Last weekend, we got to go to Fargo to meet Papa & Mama. It was lots of fun. They brought these cool hard hats that me and Papa wore. I still wear it all the time at my house

Then Paige came to visit us, along with Nikki, Chas, Chad and Tiff. We had a good visit & played with the puppies (through their kennel doors, though).

We all had a good lesson in sharing - with toys and puff corn. I think we ate almost the whole bag that night!

Later after Taryn fell asleep, me and mommy got to go swimming. It was lots of fun. I especially liked looking at myself in the mirror.

After we were done swimming, I took a bath & Lucy wouldn't leave me alone. At first we thought it was because she loved me so much, but then we discovered it was just because she was thirsty.Here are some pictures of Taryn - she is getting so big. She likes to get into everything and then I have to take it away from her. Sometimes mommy makes me give it back, but sometimes I don't have to, because it is not for babies (only big boys like me). Then I help find her something new to play with.

Mommy said she got 2 new teeth this weekend! She loves to eat anything & everything, as long as it is not baby food. She will not eat that anymore. It won't be long before she is walking too. She stands by herself for a long time but is scared to take that first step.

It is our Mama Nodland's birthday today! Happy Birthday, wish we were there to give you lots of hugs and kisses, but instead I got to have chips for a snack (in honor of you!)

We love you!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

ZooBoo ??

So my mommy told me about this thing called "zooboo". It's where you get all dressed up for Halloween and go to the zoo. They have all sorts of booths set up, where they give you candy! So this afternoon, me & Taryn got on our costumes to go see this wonderful place - that gives you candy for free!

Here is Taryn before we left. Grandma bought her this Piglet costume this summer. PS - there is extra stuffing on the belly, her tummy isn't really that big.

Here I am before we left - I was Blue, from Blue's Clues.

When we got there, there were so many people and such a long line just to get in, that we left. Mommy thought that waiting in a line that big, would make none of us too happy. She said we have plenty of candy at home. So when we got home, we took some pictures in our front lawn.

Oh, I also wanted to show you my Mr. Potato Head. I was playing with it with daddy today & he said I did such a good job, that we took a picture.

Have a great week & a happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lies . . . .

I feel it is my duty as the oldest of the kids with blogs to give the rest of you a heads up. I have found out that mommies & daddies do not always believe what we tell them.

1. When they come in your room at nap time and you are sitting up in bed, starting at them, but making a snoring noise . . . they will NOT believe that you are sleeping.

2. When they go in their bedroom, find your drum & computer on the bed & the bedding is all messed up, they will NOT believe that you were not playing in there . . . . even if you shut off the lights before you left the room.

3. When they find water all over the bathroom floor & you are holding a bucket while taking a bath . . . .they will NOT believe that you did not pour the water on the floor.

4. They will, however, believe that you ate all your supper, even if you gave it to the puppy.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A few pictures

We haven't done anything real exciting lately, so here are a few new pictures for you to enjoy.
Taryn is sure growing up fast. She is always pulling herself up on stuff. Here she is peeking over her pack 'n' play.

My new breakfast of choice . . . . plain hot dog bun. I love them!

Taryn discovered herself in the mirror. She was so excited to laugh and talk to that "other" baby.

She sure is crawling around alot, too. Here she is talking to Tucker.
I have become addicted to the computer that grandma got me last year. I spent all morning sitting in my room, matching letters. I am gonna be so smart!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 sides of Taryn

So now that my sister is getting older, she is starting to show some real personality. She loves to watch me play and now that she is crawling, she is getting into my toys!

Here are two videos showing the 2 sides of Taryn.

1) Taryn growls. Yep, you read it right, she loves to growl. She growls when she is happy & when she is frustrated. Here is a short video of her first words - in growl form.

2) Here is a video to show her girly side. We like to think she is admiring her nails :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Now that I'm 3 . . . .

I have got to step up my game. I haven't been teaching Taryn the things she needs to know. Here are some of my first lessons:

1) Chocolate pudding is the best side dish to pizza. Whoever invented pizza & pudding should get some sort of award.

2) Big turtles are the coolest! But maybe only if you are a boy. My buddy Carson & I love them.

3) As much as I tried to show her the cool animals, Taryn just was not into the trip.

4) Even though mommy didn't like this idea, I thought the best way to bond as brother & sister, was to put all my blankets, 2 pillows and myself into Taryn's crib. She was sleeping when I climbed in, so she cried at first, but after she saw it was me - she was all smiles. I still don't know why mommy was mad.

5) I taught Taryn that you have to supervise everything mommy & daddy do. Daddy would not have gotten his garage cleaned up, if Taryn wasn't there to keep him going.

6) When you turn 3, you get super cool presents, like this castle bouncer! I got this from my papa Jim. It even comes with swords (which mommy was really happy about)

7) Being 3 is the best! Sometimes you can skip naps to play. I love it!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Look How Much I Have Grown!

It was my 3rd birthday on Friday! It was awesome. I got lots of presents, but mommy will show you the pictures of them to you later.

We wanted to show you how much I have grown in the past 3 years.
This is me just a couple of hours old

This is me at 6 months with my very first baseball cap

This is my first birthday party

Here I am at 2 years old - riding my trike

And here I am showing off my big boy muscles at age 3.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What's New?

Well . . . we got to spend a weekend with daddy without mommy! It was awesome. Mommy went to Minneapolis to pick up my Aunt H and then they spent the night. Mommy said she had fun - but I think we would have been more fun.

This is a picture of Taryn and our cousin Amelia. Look how much difference 3 months makes! Amelia's grandma was holding a stuffed monkey that Taryn thought was hillarious. She laughed and laughed at that silly monkey. I think those 2 little girls will be getting into my toys very soon.
Here is a picture of me and Taryn. I am sitting on my potty and wanted to play with Taryn, so I scooted across the living room to play with her. She sure is getting fun to play with.
Here is 1 more cute picture of Taryn - She had jus gotten done eating - the orange stuff on her face is Chicken Noodle Dinner.
Well - My Aunt H is in town, so I gotta go play some more before bedtime. As my good friend Diego would say - Adios!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We did some fun stuff this weekend . . . Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

We went to the parade on Friday. We went last year, but I has a lot more fun this year.

Our friends met us there and we had a big group to people to sit with. Here is Taryn with our friend Gracie.

Before the parade started, they had a candy toss. Here is a picture of us trying to get as much candy as possible.
My mom kept getting in my way to see the parade, but when she finally moved - it was really cool. I marched when the flags came by and I waved at the horses. Mommy said I sat really good through the whole parade.
After the parade we went home and took some naps. When we got up, we went over to Mercy & Carson's house. They had sparklers and other cool fireworks. Here is a picture of what my face looked like every time someone lit fireworks off. I liked them, but they scared me for a little bit each time.

Taryn was sitting on the lawn watching all the stuff going on. Our friend Carson came over to visit her. He sure likes her!

On Saturday, we went out for lunch & it was the first time Taryn got to sit in a highchair at a restaurant. She sat so good and played with the menu, while I drew with my crayons.

Last night, I was being silly so mommy took some pictures of me.

And Taryn was so tired that she fell asleep in her "bouncer".

Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend of Discovery

Our last week & weekend were pretty uneventful, but we have made some discoveries at our house.

I discovered that I am an excellent plumbing helper, when our kitchen sink faucet suddenly stops working at 5:00 on Sunday night. Daddy might not have thought I was such a good helper, but I am not sure what he would have done without me.
Taryn, well - she discovered herself . . . .