Friday, March 28, 2008

Is it over already?

We went up to Papa & Mama's house for Easter. We did lots & lots of stuff.

We went to the mall because Papa had some extra quarters and wanted to let me ride the rides. They were lots of fun, both as the driver and the passenger . .

Then Papa wanted to take some photo booth pictures with me. I didn't cooperate very well. I kept wiggling around, but papa did a good job keeping me focused.

Here is a picture of Taryn when we were at the mall, she didn't get to ride the rides but I don't think that it bothered her too much.
We had so much fun at the mall, as soon as we got home I crashed.
Then my Aunt Heather came up on Saturday, she drove all the way from Chicago, but she had Gus with to keep her company. When she got to Bismarck, she showed us all the stuff that she brought for us. She bought this swimsuit for Taryn for when we go visit Chicago this summer, but it is already to tight for her. I think we have a future model in the family.
On Sunday morning, we woke up to lots of stuff in our Easter baskets. I got this really BIG coloring book that has Dora, Diego & Blue in it.
Then Aunt Heather showed me how to hide eggs. I think I did a good job hiding those eggs.
Here is a picture of Taryn in her pretty yellow Easter dress. Look - even though my sister is getting bigger every day, there is still room for the both of us on Papa's lap!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Let me tell you . . .

It has been a crazy week. I started off pretty tough for me, I had a yucky cold when I woke up last Sunday. I think mommy jinxed me, I heard her tell someone that I haven't been sick in a while. Then she decided to attack me (well maybe not attack) with one of those scary blue things you shove up your nose. I don't know why . . when mommy put a tissue next to my face and said "blow" I did what I always do . . . pretend I was blowing bubbles, that is what "blow" means, right? Anyway, I got better by Tuesday, except for that darn runny nose.

Then when I saw my sister in her new dress, I thought she was really cute, so I gave her a big kiss. Mommy said "no, no" because I was still sick, but it was too late. Within the next 2 days, she was sick too. Mommy spent all of Friday night at the clinic to get Taryn some medicine. I guess she is too little to fight off germs like I can. But even though she doesn't feel the best, she still smiles and talks to us.
I don't know if you all know my Aunt H (most of you do), but she finally decided when she is going to get married. This is my reaction to hearing that she finally made up her mind.

One more thing, then I gotta go play. . . we are going to Bismarck for Easter - I hope mommy tells the Easter bunny where we are going to be. Here is a picture that mommy took when she told me we were going to papa & mama's house. I was so excited, I ran to give mommy a hug.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It is finally done!

If you go back to my very first blog, I showed you how I was a big helper with the new garage. Well I guess I should have helped a little more, because the house just got finished this weekend! Mommy is very happy to have it all done, and daddy is very happy that mommy is happy.

Here are the before and after pictures of our house. Most of you have not seen our house, but trust us - it looks much better!

Along with the garage, we got new siding, new gutters, a new front door and a new front window. The garage is 2 cars deep, so mommy parks in the front and daddy parks his truck on he back side. They made it big enough, so that there is plenty of room for my fire truck that I got at Christmas. Mommy also said that when it gets warmer out, she is going to move all my tools out there, too. I can't wait to help daddy out there this summer.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Look How Big I Am, by Taryn

Here I am in my new (well, new to me) exersaucer. I think mommy could tell I was getting tired of sitting in the baby seat all the time. I think I will like this thing, I can see a lot more stuff. My big brother Tyson, showed me all the cool features it has. I can't wait until I can figure out how to get my hands over to them!

I have been told that I am growing so fast, but all I know is that I like to eat! I went from 12 lbs, 3 oz & 24" at my 2 month check up (that is up 3 lbs and 3" from when I was born) to 13 lbs, 11 oz at a follow-up check up (because of my ear infection and bad cold) 10 days later. There is a new baby at Barb's that is 2 months older than me, but he is littler than me . . .isn't that funny?

Slumber Party Fun, by Tyson

Some of you may have heard me talk about my friend, Gracie. She goes to Barb's with me and her mom and my mom are friends. Anyway, when I came home from daycare yesterday, mommy said that Gracie was going to come over and play. I was so excited! They she said that she was going to spend the night. I couldn't wait to show her all of my toys.
When she came over, she brought Happy Meals from McDonald's w/ chocolate milk! This night just kept getting better and better. Then after supper, we found Dora and Diego on TV, along with the Backyardigans and the Wonder Pets. I think mommy was just as excited that these great shows were on, as we were.
When it was time to go to bed, I had to show Gracie my new TV that Aunt Heather bought me for Christmas. I showed her my favorite episode of Blue Clue's ("Shape Detectives") and then we went to sleep, right away.
Her mommy came over this morning and picked her up. But not until after we had a delicious breakfast of toast and cereal (my favorite, mmmm toast!)