Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week in Bismarck

A couple of weeks ago, we got to spend a whole week in Bismarck with Gramma & Papa! Our babysitter, Barb, took a vacation so mommy & daddy thought it would be fun for us to spend some quality time with Gramma & Papa. Our Aunt H even planned her summer visit to Bismarck during that time, so that she could see us. We had lots of fun just hanging out. Here are some pictures that Heather took to send to mommy throughout the week. I think she missed us lots!

Here Taryn is learning how to keep mommy up to speed with what we had going on in Bismarck. She looks like a texting pro!

I liked to hang out in Papa's chair when he was at work.

Taryn was patiently waiting for her first Quiznos sandwich. I wasn't so impressed, but enjoyed a lunch of Cheetos & Doritos.
What little cutie!

Here I am reading a story to my little sister. She looks like she is really enjoying it.

Playing at Gramma's house can wear a kid out!

I was a fishing fool at the hotel in Fargo. That is where mommy met up with Heather and Gramma to pick us up. I love swimming!

I believe everyday was a fashion show with Aunt Heather dressing Taryn.

We had this great set-up of catch going on. I would throw to Papa, he would hand the ball to Taryn & she would throw it back to me. It was a game where everyone wins!

Morning baths are hard on a kid . . . . too tired to play with all the toys!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This blog is going to consist mostly of some fun pictures, and me telling you what has been going on so far this summer.

Mama & Papa bought me and Taryn this pretty cool table. It has a red & blue bench and a cool "bucket" that we can keep our stuff. I like to play my Memory game on this table and Taryn likes to play puzzles. Thanks mama & papa - it is a super cool table!

One day mommy was taking a picture of Taryn's new bed (you will see it in a later blog) for mama & I said "hey mommy, we want to say cheese too!" So when she came over with the camera, this is the only pose I would give her - I was eating corn with my fingers.

Then she took this picture of Taryn, guess she was more interested in her sandwich than saying "cheese"

This weekend we went down to Sioux Falls, so that daddy could help Uncle Jay. I'm not sure what they were doing, but they spent a lot of time on the top of their house. Since us kids couldn't really play in the yard (mommy said there was owies on the ground), we went to the park on Friday.

Here is Taryn and Amelia swinging on the little kid swings - they had lots of fun.

I spent all my time on this huge playground. Here is a picture of me going down the giant slide. I was having so much fun, until some bug stung me by my eye. Mommy didn't see it happen, but I went running to her and by the time she saw my eye, it was starting to swell up. I asked her to kiss it, and then I was off to play again. Here is a picture of it the next day. Mommy says I am pretty tough!

On Saturday, the guys went on top of the house again, so me, mommy & Taryn went to the Sioux Falls zoo. They have an area of the zoo that has life sized stuffed animals. We saw lions, elephants & a whole bunch of animals up close. Here is a picture of me and Taryn to show how tall "giraps" are!

In the kiddy zoo, we got to feed goats. Mommy bought some goat food and gave some to me and Taryn. Here is Taryn feeding the goats with no fear. After every piece, she told the goats "thank you"

This is what I did with the goat food - the same thing I do with the dog treats, throw them towards the goats and make them work for their food.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So after we put Taryn's first haircut pictures up, grandma did some digging and found some other pictures.

What do you think?

Before the haircut, she looks like Mommy

After, she looks a lot like Grandma

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Taryn's First Haircut

Before - she had hair in her eyes & her nick name was "scruf-a-muffin"

After - we just had the bangs cut - they are kinda short & maybe a little crooked, but it was free and we were only there a few minutes

Mommy said she is growing up too fast! & also - the scratch under her eye is from her own little tantrums that she has mastered lately, it wasn't me :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We Love Zoos!

We have been traveling around going to all the zoos lately. Well, actually just the Watertown Zoo & the Fargo Zoo.

A couple of weekends ago, we met Papa & Mama in Fargo. We had lots of fun.

Here is a picture of Taryn eating take out. She did a really good job.

Then the next day Papa bought me the hat at the zoo. I told him that I looked like a cowboy!

Here is a cute picture of something new that daddy has taught Taryn.

When we were at the Watertown zoo this weekend, I showed mommy & daddy how big I was compared to the birds.

Also, zoo got a new baby bear this spring - he is really cute

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yep, we are still around

One would think that since it has been over a month since I've last blogged, that maybe we won the lottery & disappeared, but nope - we have just been very boring.

Here are some pictures of us from the last month.

Here is me with my cousin Paige. Mommy's cousin Chas taught us how to line dance and my Aunt H & Uncle Sam's reception. I had so much fun that night, I don't think I ever stepped off the dance floor!

Me and mommy went to the circus! Taryn had pink eye, so she stayed home with daddy. I was so excited to go to the circus, I kept asking as we drove there . . . "is this this the circus? Is this the circus?" Well when we finally go there, mommy bought me some popcorn! That was my favorite part. When people ask me about the circus, all I tell this is that you have to get popcorn.

Here is Taryn - she is getting so big. She says "uh uh", "buh bye" "sucka", along with "dada" & "mama". Just so you don't think we are being taught naughty words - that is Taryn's version of sucker - we get a sucker at Barb's when we leave everyday - it is Taryn's favorite part of the day. She bites & crunches that sucker right away & it is completely gone by the time we get home.

Here I am, this is what I love to do - just hang out. I can't wait for summer, though. I have so many plans, between the zoo, the parks, my trike & our swing set - I am gonna be BUSY!

Grandma bought Taryn these pretty ballet jammies. Isn't she cute?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Like mother, like daughter

So, do you think that Taryn notices that mommy is on her phone . . . alot? She even "talks" when she has the phone to her ear.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hide & Seek - Tyson style

So the other day, Tyson wanted to play Hide & Seek, I was to hide first. As I went to find my hiding spot, Tyson began counting in the kitchen. I heard the following, "one, two, free, four, fibe, six, seben, eight, nine, ten, eleben, twelbe, firteen, sebenteen, nineteen, fourteen, twenty, one, two . . . (continuing one more round) . . .twenty! Ready or not, here I go"

Well, I was hiding behind his bedroom door, all he had to do was walk into his room & he would clearly see me, but the light was off. I guess in his 3 yr old mind, I would never be in that room, so he only walked by, didn't see me and continued on. So I heard him calling out, "mommy, where are you?" & giggling! Meanwhile, Taryn realized that she couldn't see me, so she started to cry. I watched her stand there crying for me, while I "hid" from Tyson (I know . . .mom of the year). After looking for me for a while Tyson stopped at a sad little Taryn and put his hand on her back and said "It's ok baby, we will find mommy!" After a little while, I jumped out from behind the door, scared the heck out of Tyson, then he laughed and said "Yeah mommy, I found you!"

I guess in Tyson's games, he always wins!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Growing Up

Taryn is getting so big! She is out of her highchair & sits in my booster seat. She is also starting to use a spoon & fork. She does a really good job eating - food only ends up on the floor, when she is done eating (& usually there isn't much left over)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Here are few things that I told my mommy & daddy in the last couple of days.

1. If you arm is "sleepy", just give it jumpin' beans.
2. If your tummy is hurt, apples will make it all better.
3. You spell puppy like this . . . "Draw a D, draw a F, draw a D, draw a F, & draw a Y"
4. Taryn is a cute "little guy"
Here is a picture of me. I don't usually smile very much for the camera, so mommy was excited to get a good picture.

Have a good week!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you could eat just 1 food for the rest of your life . . .

What would it be? I know what we would eat, it's the one thing that we ask for everyday. CRACKERS! We could eat crackers for breakfast, lunch & dinner. We love crackers.

What is your favorite food?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting Ready

So when I came home from daycare today, I had a new dance to show everyone. I learned a version of the chicken dance. I had to show mommy right away. I am ready to "shake my butt" at Aunt H's reception.

Watch out ladies - I've got some moves!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Taryn's First Piggy Tails

Taryn's hair finally long enough to do something with! Mommy bought some little pony tail holders for Taryn. The other morning, she gave Taryn her toothbrush to play with, and then mommy started putting in pigtails. Taryn sat so good and let mommy do whatever she wanted. Look how cute! In fact, I told mommy "Oh, she is so cute" after I saw her. The piggy tails did not stay in all day - but it was a good start. Here are some pictures from the front and top.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Better than a Power Wheels

Check this out - we have the coolest aunt EVER!!! She bought this new car for us today. Now I know that she has said in the past that she was gonna get us a Power Wheels Jeep or Escalade, but I guess she decided to go a different route.

Don't you love it?

It is so cute and little. Taryn & I will have lots of fun driving this around when the snow melts. There is room for all our stuffed animals and toys. I even think that both Taryn & I will both be able to fit inside at that same time!

Look at it sitting next to Uncle Sam's truck.

Oh . . . wait a minute - Mommy just said that the car isn't for us, that it is Aunt H's new car. She finally got her MINI Cooper. Cool car Aunt H, but it is a good thing that Gus is a little puppy.