Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone is having a great Christmas. I sure am. We went over to Aunt Julie and Uncle Aaron's house last night and celebrated with daddy's family. I got these cool Mega Blocks and some construction blocks too. I also helped everyone else open their presents. My cousin Jordan got some pretty cool toys and he let me play with them. I woke up this morning and there was a cool fire truck in the middle of our living room. Mommy said that Santa brought it for me. That must mean that I was very good this year!

We also got to open presents from mommy & daddy and from mama & papa, too. I got lots of books and movies and some clothes. Papa got me this cool tool box, filled with tools. I think he thought I needed better tools from when I was working on the garage this summer. Daddy built a special shelf in his garage for my tools. As soon as it gets warmer out, I will help daddy build stuff!
Oh yeah, my new sister, Taryn had a good Christmas, too. She got some clothes, a pack-n-play, and money. I think I got better stuff, but mommy said all girls like clothes and money. Here are some pictures of her. She still doesn't do anything exciting, but she is still pretty cute.

Merry Christmas!
PS - My aunt Heather is coming tomorrow & I am very excited.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blogging from Bismarck

Since my mommy and new baby sister need lots of rest right now, mommy & daddy said I could go stay with my mama & papa Nodland for a week. It sure is fun here.

Here I am with my own special keyboard that is only for me. I sure like to type on this keyboard. I can practice my counting on it, too. Oh, can you tell that mommy forgot to pack my comb?

I am getting more comfortable with the puppies up here, too. I like to hug them, tackle them, and run around with them. The one thing I will not do is scratch their bellies. When they roll over to show me their bellies, I say "ewww".

Another thing I like about being up here in Bismarck, is the accommodations. They have a little chair just my size and a big tv like I have back home. Plus papa and mama let me watch what I want way more than mommy and daddy do. Plus they have lots of snacks, cookies, crackers, pudding - I am always helping myself to a delicious snack.

I am also helping my papa get in the Christmas spirit. Don't you think we make a good team? Me with the hat and him with his beard. I think this is going to be a fun week. I wonder how many of my Christmas presents I will get early :)

My mom sent some new pictures of my sister, Taryn. Mommy said she was awake alot today.

Well I better get back to hanging out with my papa. Daddy's football team is playing tonight and I gotta make sure my papa cheers with me. Go Redskins !

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Baby Taryn & Mommy are home

My mommy and new little sister came home today. I was very excited to see my mommy, I gave her lots of hugs and then we danced a little bit. This new baby seems to be ok, too. I heard that baby's cry a lot, but she doesn't cry that much yet. Mommy said that she is saving it all for tonight.

My mommy wanted me to thank Aunt Heather for keeping everyone updated on our new baby. She sure is nice to help mommy out like that.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Of course she's cute - she's related to me!

I heard mommy on the phone with aunt H and they were wondering if Taryn looked like me when I was a tiny baby (and not a big, tough boy, like I am now). Aunt H, being so smart, went back and looked at my first photos and thought it would be fun to compare. I think our good looks are strikingly similar! What do you think?

(If you click on it, it will open it in a bigger window)

More Pictures!

Here are some more pictures of Taryn that my Mama took today. 

She already has long, pretty hair!

I heard some people saying she has daddy's eyes.....

It looks like we're gonna have to share the spot as Papa's best buddy now! He's already wrapped around Taryn's tiny finger too!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Meet Taryn...

Me and Papa at the hospital. I am a BIG brother - and one with a split lip from my fall at daycare today! (Thanks, Papa and Mama, for the cool new shirt!)

She even got a cool christmas hat!  I guess maybe she wasn't quite as big as mommy was thinking - her clothes are kinda loose!

Isn't she cute? Look at those chubby cheeks! She was very sleepy today - I hope she gets some rest tonight so we can start playing tomorrow! I've got lots to teach her.........

New Sister!!!!

She's here!

Taryn Rae Koehn
1:55 p.m.
8 lbs. 15.5 oz.

My new sister and my mommy are doing well! I'll put up pictures as soon as my Mama Rita can get them on the computer......

If you want to send an e-card, you can do it here:

The hospital picture should be up tomorrow.

Now I gotta go meet my new sister! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Stay Tuned!

Hey everyone! Mommy asked me to call my aunt H and have her type a post for me - Mommy can't type one right now because she is on her way to the hospital to have the new baby! I gave her a call and because she is so smart (and pretty), aunt H knew that when I only said "Hi, Bye" this is what I wanted her to write. (Though knowing aunt H, she'll probably take a few creative liberties when she types it anyhow).

I'm going to have a sleepover with my friend tonight while Mommy goes in to get that baby out. This new baby is already a lot like me - really big and not wanting to come out on time - so I think I'm gonna like her!

So check this blog tomorrow (hopefully by then....) and I'll let you know what happens!

(Sorry the picture is old - it was all I had! - Heather)