Sunday, June 28, 2009

This blog is going to consist mostly of some fun pictures, and me telling you what has been going on so far this summer.

Mama & Papa bought me and Taryn this pretty cool table. It has a red & blue bench and a cool "bucket" that we can keep our stuff. I like to play my Memory game on this table and Taryn likes to play puzzles. Thanks mama & papa - it is a super cool table!

One day mommy was taking a picture of Taryn's new bed (you will see it in a later blog) for mama & I said "hey mommy, we want to say cheese too!" So when she came over with the camera, this is the only pose I would give her - I was eating corn with my fingers.

Then she took this picture of Taryn, guess she was more interested in her sandwich than saying "cheese"

This weekend we went down to Sioux Falls, so that daddy could help Uncle Jay. I'm not sure what they were doing, but they spent a lot of time on the top of their house. Since us kids couldn't really play in the yard (mommy said there was owies on the ground), we went to the park on Friday.

Here is Taryn and Amelia swinging on the little kid swings - they had lots of fun.

I spent all my time on this huge playground. Here is a picture of me going down the giant slide. I was having so much fun, until some bug stung me by my eye. Mommy didn't see it happen, but I went running to her and by the time she saw my eye, it was starting to swell up. I asked her to kiss it, and then I was off to play again. Here is a picture of it the next day. Mommy says I am pretty tough!

On Saturday, the guys went on top of the house again, so me, mommy & Taryn went to the Sioux Falls zoo. They have an area of the zoo that has life sized stuffed animals. We saw lions, elephants & a whole bunch of animals up close. Here is a picture of me and Taryn to show how tall "giraps" are!

In the kiddy zoo, we got to feed goats. Mommy bought some goat food and gave some to me and Taryn. Here is Taryn feeding the goats with no fear. After every piece, she told the goats "thank you"

This is what I did with the goat food - the same thing I do with the dog treats, throw them towards the goats and make them work for their food.


Grandma said...

Miss you guys. Glad that you had fun in SF.

Aunt Chris said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could have went with you guys!