Sunday, March 16, 2008

Let me tell you . . .

It has been a crazy week. I started off pretty tough for me, I had a yucky cold when I woke up last Sunday. I think mommy jinxed me, I heard her tell someone that I haven't been sick in a while. Then she decided to attack me (well maybe not attack) with one of those scary blue things you shove up your nose. I don't know why . . when mommy put a tissue next to my face and said "blow" I did what I always do . . . pretend I was blowing bubbles, that is what "blow" means, right? Anyway, I got better by Tuesday, except for that darn runny nose.

Then when I saw my sister in her new dress, I thought she was really cute, so I gave her a big kiss. Mommy said "no, no" because I was still sick, but it was too late. Within the next 2 days, she was sick too. Mommy spent all of Friday night at the clinic to get Taryn some medicine. I guess she is too little to fight off germs like I can. But even though she doesn't feel the best, she still smiles and talks to us.
I don't know if you all know my Aunt H (most of you do), but she finally decided when she is going to get married. This is my reaction to hearing that she finally made up her mind.

One more thing, then I gotta go play. . . we are going to Bismarck for Easter - I hope mommy tells the Easter bunny where we are going to be. Here is a picture that mommy took when she told me we were going to papa & mama's house. I was so excited, I ran to give mommy a hug.


Anonymous said...

Is that excitement or dismay on your face re: the wedding? If only we could convince your mom and dad to let you come! With all the Dora and Diego you watch, you probably have the best Spanish of any of us!

Your sister is adorable - tell your mom to send some of those pictures to us.

I wouldn't worry about the Easter bunny not finding you - aunt h will be bringing her own basket of treats for you.

Anonymous said...

That was my reaction too, Tyson! I'm counting the sleeps until you come to our house.

Anonymous said...

I hope your both feeling better, Taryn is getting so big.

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys get better soon! There's nothing worse than sick babies! Have a great Easter Tyson! We'll see you in a little while when you guys come up to see your new cousin...if she ever gets here!!!

Anonymous said...

I work all weekend until 8pm, but if I get off early I will try to sneak by on Saturday

Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed you but we had a house full on sunday.
I love the new blog look.