Saturday, March 1, 2008

Look How Big I Am, by Taryn

Here I am in my new (well, new to me) exersaucer. I think mommy could tell I was getting tired of sitting in the baby seat all the time. I think I will like this thing, I can see a lot more stuff. My big brother Tyson, showed me all the cool features it has. I can't wait until I can figure out how to get my hands over to them!

I have been told that I am growing so fast, but all I know is that I like to eat! I went from 12 lbs, 3 oz & 24" at my 2 month check up (that is up 3 lbs and 3" from when I was born) to 13 lbs, 11 oz at a follow-up check up (because of my ear infection and bad cold) 10 days later. There is a new baby at Barb's that is 2 months older than me, but he is littler than me . . .isn't that funny?


Anonymous said...

I love your smile. You are growing so fast, you need to come see us again. You look just like Tyson when he was your age.
Hi to Tyson, too.
Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

You are too cute! But stop growing so fast or I'm going to have to return these last 3 bags of stuff I've bought for you. And I'm going to disagree with G'ma Rita - you don't really look like Ty when he was your age - but I do think you look like your mom when she was a baby (this is of course based on the pictures I have seen of her and not my memory, as I am much, much younger than your OLD mom).

Anonymous said...

she is so cute, they grow to fast

Anonymous said...

What a smile....She is growing so gast