Saturday, December 20, 2008

All I want for Christmas is . . . . to buy less diapers

This is Tyson's mommy. I thought I would share with you our Saturday. Tyson has been taking his diapers off at night & the other night he came out of our bedroom with his pants around his ankles and lifted up his shirt to show me his bare bottom. He said to me "Uh, Mommy . . . I think something is missin' " When I asked him where is diaper was he said "I don't know, I can't find it". After thinking about this a couple of days, I though maybe this was his way of letting us know he is ready for the potty.

So I got all of his pants washed up and had a pile of little boy underwear ready for today. Today was going to be the day that we were going to concur the potty.

Below is a play-by-play of today's events - I know this is very similar to a post Nikki put up a while back, unfortunately - we did not have the same results.

8:00 to 8:30 - Tyson woke up & sat on the potty (the little potty that was brought out to the living room for today's events) - No deposits, so we put on dinosaur underwear and some sweatpants. We discuss how we don't go potty on the dinosaurs - he agreed

9:00 - Tyson helped himself to a banana (still not sure where the peel ended up, still looking for it) - when I came into the kitchen, he was stuffing that banana in as fast as he could. I saw a puddle on the floor. I said "Tyson did you go potty in your pants?" His response . . . "Yes, I made a mess & you better clean it up" - underwear and pants #2

10:00 to 10:20 - back on the potty again - nothing.

10:45 - Tyson was walking through the living room, stopped, looked at me with a uncomfortable look and said " There is water in my pants" - underwear & pants #3

After lunch, we tried the potty again, with no results. It was now time for naps, so I put a diaper on him.

3:00 - Tyson gets up from his nap with a poopy diaper. If I have anything good to say about today, it is that he did not poop his underwear!

3:00 to 3:15 - Tyson was back on the potty - nothing - but we did discuss that when he has to go potty that he goes on the potty. He replied back to me, after I asked where he goes potty "Over there" and pointed to the potty. He then repeated after me, over and over again "No potty in my pants, no potty in my pants" I was thinking this as a good start to the rest of the day.

3:30 - Tyson was watching tv, turned around and said to me "My pants" Guess what . . . . yep - another accident - underwear & pants #4

3:30 to 3:45 - potty time . . . . . . nothing

4:15 - I happened to look over and see a dark streak going down Tyson's leg. When I said his name (a little louder than usual), he quickly turned around and slid/slipped on his newly formed puddle. He caught himself and smiled at me & said " I'm OK mommy" - underwear & pants #5

5:30 - tried another potty break, after supper . . . . . nothing

6:30 - Yep, one more accident. This time, I gave him the towel and told him he had to wipe it up. He took the towel, rubbed it across the floor a couple of times, handed it back to me and said "Yeah mommy, I cleaned it all up"

7:00 - Time for bath and jammies & a diaper. I am giving up for the night - tomorrow is another day, right?


Anonymous said...

Love it! At least he made you laugh along the way. Is he still using the potty at daycare?

Also, I believe you meant you were going to "conquer" the potty, not agree with it ("concur"). I usually try not to play language police online, but you're my sister so I will.

I bet you're excited to see me soon. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I meant concur, nobody wants to disagree with the potty.

I'm trying to teach more than practical lessons . . .I like to throw in some life lessons too.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... "water in my pants". Gotta love the kids, huh?

Megan said...

Sounds like you had a busy day!

Anonymous said...

That cracked me up. I acutally laughed out loud! Hang in there...and keep the potty blogs coming...I'm taking notes for when Millie has to "concur" with the potty.