Saturday, October 25, 2008

ZooBoo ??

So my mommy told me about this thing called "zooboo". It's where you get all dressed up for Halloween and go to the zoo. They have all sorts of booths set up, where they give you candy! So this afternoon, me & Taryn got on our costumes to go see this wonderful place - that gives you candy for free!

Here is Taryn before we left. Grandma bought her this Piglet costume this summer. PS - there is extra stuffing on the belly, her tummy isn't really that big.

Here I am before we left - I was Blue, from Blue's Clues.

When we got there, there were so many people and such a long line just to get in, that we left. Mommy thought that waiting in a line that big, would make none of us too happy. She said we have plenty of candy at home. So when we got home, we took some pictures in our front lawn.

Oh, I also wanted to show you my Mr. Potato Head. I was playing with it with daddy today & he said I did such a good job, that we took a picture.

Have a great week & a happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to you too! I love Mr. Potato Head, he looks perfect. And I love your costumes.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and did you find any clues when you were Blue? Hmmm... I think I see a banana.

Megan said...

Cute costumes!!!

Barb said...

Awesome costumes!!! Hope you get lots of candy for halloween!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute. I wish you were coming trick-or-treating to my house. I'd give you lots of candy.

Can you wear those again when I see you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tyson, you are going to love the Halloween present I am sending you.

Anonymous said...

Love the costumes, you guys look so cute

Anonymous said...

You guys look adorable! I hope you guys have lots of fun trick or treating...hopefully you get lots of treats and play lots of tricks! Amelia is going to be a Vikings cheerleader.