Sunday, June 15, 2008

Top 10

We recently went on a family vacation to go see my Aunt H and Uncle Sam. It was a very long drive, but once we got there we had lots of fun. Here are the top 10 fun things we got to do.

10. Heather & Sam have the coolest furniture! They have holes in them, so you can “cwimb” through.

9. Taryn was teething all week, so she was crabby most of the time, but she still liked to bounce in her chair.

8. Aunt H bought this cool ball pit, but I had to help blow it up. I don’t know what she would have done with out me.

7. Daddy, Uncle Sam, Aunt H, papa and mama got to go to Wrigley field and be “bleacher bums”. Me and mommy and Taryn stayed home and played at the house.

6. I got to help Uncle Sam get the grill going. We had to put the charcoal into the grill. It was lots of fun and I got really dirty. But mommy wouldn’t let me get close after he started the grill and that made me very sad.

5. Aunt H got this cool pool for us to play in. I got it all to myself, because Taryn didn’t feel good. It was lots of fun, and I didn’t even care that the water was really cold when it was first filled up.

4. I got to play with the hose even after we were done filling the pool.

3. Here is another picture of Taryn. This was one of the last days, so she was starting to feel better. She sure drooled a lot - gross.

2. We got to go to the zoo. It was a big zoo. Here is me and Aunt H in front of the zoo. We saw lots of cool animals, like gorillas, bears, lions & elephants.

1. I got to spend all week with my best friend - Papa


Anonymous said...

All that money I spent on inflatable toys and you would have been happy just hiding my coasters, jumping on one of the couches, and cwimbing through my coffee table all day - who knew?

It was great to have you visit! I hope you come back again soon, buddy!

Megan said...

It looks like you had a great time! You and your sister sure are growing up fast :)

Anonymous said...

Kim said.. Looks like a good time was had by all. You are both getting so big.. Maybe your Aunt H. can get going on her blog now...