Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope everyone is having a nice 3 day weekend. I want to share with you some of the stuff we did this weekend.

** We flew a kite. Daddy decided that we needed to try to fly a kite on Saturday, since it was so windy. Here is a picture of daddy flying the Diego kite.
Here is a picture of us going to get the kite, after daddy let me hold he string. So I decided that kites are cool for a little bit, but walking around the field is much more fun.
Here is Taryn watching us fly our kite
** We went to my friend Carson's grandma & grandpa's 40th wedding anniversary. They had a band. How come nobody ever told me about the greatest dance ever invented? I learned how to do the "Hokey Pokey" I love this dance. I wanted to dance to every song, I made mommy or daddy be out on the dance floor with me all night long. Here is a picture of me doing the hokey pokey.

Hey Aunt H - please make sure that you have a wedding dance, so I can show off my cool moves!!

** Yesterday, me and mommy went to the zoo. It was pretty cool, but I just wanted to walk & walk & walk - mommy had to make me stop and look at the animals. When we went by the bear cage, they were actually up and moving around. I told mommy that they were "cute" and took off to the next cage, but mommy said we were going to take a picture since they were up. I helped them out, by telling them "say cheese, bears". Here is a picture.

** Taryn started eating food this weekend. All she has eaten so far is peas. She loves them, she get so excited when mommy comes over with her bowl of food. She sure makes a mess when she eats.

** Daddy got my sandbox all set up this weekend. I am not sure what to think of it just yet, it has potential to be lots of fun, but it sure is messy.

** These are just some cute pictures of Taryn.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you had a busy week-end. Tell your mom that grandma taught you how to dance when they went to Vegas - when Papa was at work.

Bet your mom and dad will be excited to go back to work tomorrow.

Megan said...

I'm glad you're learning how to dance, Tyson. Now you can really join in on the fun at Nodland weddings.

You're sister sure has a pretty smile!!

Anonymous said...

What a busy family you guys are.

Anonymous said...

Yep - Tyson even watches tv walking around the room.

Anonymous said...

Sure thing buddy - perhaps by the time we make that happen, your dad will have taught you the electric slide.

Anonymous said...

wow, they grow so fast, taryn is so cute. Looks like your pretty busy there tyson

Anonymous said...

I love the new picture in the top corner. Taryn looks like she could jump off the chair and run. And Tyson looks like his usual happy self.

Anonymous said...

Tyson it looks like you and Taryn are having a fun summer! Flying kites is cool! I love the video of you and Daddy making Taryn laugh. You guys are getting so big!