Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I had lots of fun, unfortunately mommy didn't get many pictures, so I will have to tell you about it.
On Thursday, we went over to my Aunt Julie & Uncle Aaron's house. I got to play with my cousins and see my papa Jim and Uncle Jay & Aunt Chris. I also got to see my second cousin Tanner. He sure is getting big. He must have liked me, because he kept wanting to be my friend. I tried to play with him, but everyone kept telling me to be nice & gentle. I don't know why, I play with the babies at my daycare all the time. After lunch, mommy, daddy and my aunts and uncles were in a Guitar Hero III contest, so I just watched them. Mommy was crabby because her and daddy were first up and she knew she couldn't beat him. My aunt Julie won the whole contest, she even beat my daddy. Way to go, Aunt Julie!

After that, we went to my daddy's aunts house to see his cousins. They have a lot of kids too. I had fun making new friends, but since I didn't take a nap that day, we couldn't stay long - they said I was getting crabby. But when we got home, there was a surprise, my Papa & Mama Nodland were at my house, with thier puppies. I was so excited.

On Friday, my daddy got up early to go shopping, but the rest of us stayed at home and enjoyed some sleep. Then later, daddy went to work, mommy & mama went shopping and I stayed home with papa. When mommy and mama came back home, they had lots of bags. Mommy said she found some good deals and is almost done with her Christmas shopping. Grandma had lots of bags too, but they mostly had pink & purple outfits in them. I know that mommy went to the doctor on Wed and they looked at the baby to see if it was getting too big. Mommy didn't tell me anything yet, but since I am a smart kid, I think the baby is going to be a girl. Otherwise my daddy will be kinda mad, if they try to put those dresses on a boy.

On Saturday, we stayed home most of the day and played. Mommy & mama did some more shopping, but us guys stayed at home to watch some football. I was showing papa that I have got some good drumming skills too.

Mama, papa & those crazy puppies left this morning, but they said they would be back as soon as mommy has that baby. I hope it is soon (& I think mommy hopes that too)

That's all I know for now. Have a good week!


Anonymous said...

I like your new jammies - with a picture of pappa's puppies. I don't think it looks like a bulldog at all, do you?

Anonymous said...

I was going to buy those jammies for you this weekend Ty - but then I thought "No - that looks too much like a bulldog, not a pug." I guess I'll just keep searching for some wiener dog pjs.

I'm glad you had fun over the holiday. It's too bad you didn't get a chance to take a picture of your feast, like I did. People like to see your plate full of food, or so I hear.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon! And that new baby too! And just wait until you see what I got you for Christmas - it is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a busy weekend!