Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Road Trip

On Monday, my daycare was closed, and since Daddy was still hunting, Mommy decided that we should get out of town for the day. Luckily my mom is friends with my girlfriend Gracie's mom, so we all went to Sioux Falls together. I heard something about a trip to the zoo, but the rain must have changed our mom's mind, because we didn't go see any animals. We went to the mall and got to ride in these cool firetruck strollers.

Then we stopped by the riding toys in the mall. I rode in a car and a helicopter. Grace liked the Bob the Builder truck.

After lunch at the Olive Garden, (I don't know what the big deal is, but our mommy's sure like it) we went to one last store. Mommy wanted to look at Once Upon a Child for some stuff for me and the new baby, but I had other ideas. That place sure is fun to run around in. After Gracie and her mom were done shopping, mommy sent me to the van with them and she went back in. She came out with a swing for the baby.

Grace brought her Dora the Mermaid movie along to watch on the way back. She must have seen it already, because she fell asleep right away. I thought it was pretty exciting, but after a while I fell asleep too. Maybe she will invite me over sometime, so I can see how it ends.


Anonymous said...

You have a very cute girlfriend! It looks like you and Gracie had a good time. And I'm sure your mom enjoyed her road trip also.

Mama N

Megan said...

Wow...what a cute couple :)

Anonymous said...

Cute - your girlfriend has impeccable taste in sweatshirts. Also was it really a Dora the Mermaid video or was it the other "Dora" ?

Anonymous said...

Tyson is looking so grownup already